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A Real Time Management Strategy for Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles Based on Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle

姚赵祎, 武志斐, 郝慧敏, , 霍肖伟
Instrumentation and Equipments (IaE) , 2023, DOI: 10.12677/IaE.2023.113026
Abstract: 为了保证动力电池荷电状态(SOC, State of Charge)处于高效工作区间,针对燃料电池混合动力车辆(FCHEV, Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle)设计了一种实时能量管理策略。基于庞特里亚金极小值原理(PMP, Pontryagin’s Minimal Principle)对能量管理问题进行离线求解,得到三种典型工况下协态变量与SOC的关系。根据学习矢量量化(LVQ, Learning Vector Quantization)神经网络,对行驶工况进行识别,进而根据协态变量与SOC关系选取最优协态变量。构建测试工况进行仿真,结果表明,该策略可以有效控制电池SOC在一定范围内,维持电池健康状态。
In order to ensure that the power battery state of charge (SOC) is stable in the efficient operating range, an adaptive energy management strategy is proposed for a fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle (FCHEV). The energy management problem of the FCHEV is solved off-line based on Pontryagin’s Minimal Principle (PMP), and the relationship between the co-state variable and the SOC is obtained under three typical drive cycle. According to the learning vector quantization (LVQ) neural network, the driving conditions are identified, and then the optimal co-state variable are selected according to the relationship between co-state variable and SOC. The result under the test driving cycle shows that the strategy can effectively control the battery SOC within a certain range and maintain the battery’s health status.
Design of a Multi-Sensor-Based Quadruped Mine Rescue Robot Using ARDUINO

门成杰, 詹善宁, 马志远,
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Research (AIRR) , 2024, DOI: 10.12677/AIRR.2024.131004
Abstract: 矿井坍塌事故发生之后,现场的地形结构及其复杂,传统的救援方式是救援人员使用各种救援设备进行人工搜救,考虑到灾害现场的各种不确定因素及一些救援人员无法进入的区域,可能会发生二次灾害,在救援过程中存在一定的危险性,因此利用蓝牙通信技术,WIFI通信技术等自主研发一种四足轮腿分离式矿井救援机器人。机器人硬件基于ARDUINO NANO单片机作为救援机器人的控制核心,通过蓝牙,WIFI无线通信对机器人实现四足爬行,四轮行走,灾害现场图像回传,火源灭火以及救援对象GPS定位等功能。将四足轮腿式矿井救援机器人应用到矿井灾害救助系统中,不仅可以提高搜救效率,为救援提供有力的支撑,为被困人员争取更多的生命时间,还能进入救援人员难以进入的复杂事故现场,避免或减少救援人员的伤亡,提高救援的速度,降低救援难度。
After a mine collapse accident, the terrain structure on the scene is extremely complex. Traditional rescue methods involve rescue workers using various rescue equipment to conduct manual searches and rescues. However, considering the various uncertainties on the disaster scene and areas that some rescue workers cannot access, secondary disasters may occur, posing certain dangers during the rescue process. Therefore, a four-legged wheel-leg separable mine rescue robot was independently developed using Bluetooth communication technology, WIFI communication technology, etc. The robot hardware is based on the ARDUINO NANO microcontroller as the control core of the rescue robot, realizing functions such as four-legged crawling, four-wheel walking, disaster scene image transmission, fire extinction, and GPS positioning of rescue objects through Bluetooth and WIFI wireless communication. The application of the four-legged wheel-leg mine rescue robot in the mine disaster relief system can not only improve search and rescue efficiency, provide strong support for rescues, and strive for more time for trapped personnel, but it can also enter complex accident scenes that are difficult for rescue workers to enter, avoid or reduce casualties of rescue workers, improve rescue speed, and reduce rescue difficulty.
High Power Factor DC Electronic Load Research Based on the Double Closed-Loop Linear Integral

Journal of Sensor Technology and Application (JSTA) , 2016, DOI: 10.12677/JSTA.2016.42007
Abstract: 针对单闭环直流电子负载系统,研究了一种新型的基于双闭环线性积分的电子负载系统。外环主要利用PI调节器来消除静态偏差,同时提高转换速率,内环采用软硬件相结合的方法,利用低功耗微机控制滞环比较器,并研究了自适应控制算法用于控制PWM波的输出,使系统的功率因数得到了大幅提高。分析电子负载主要的干扰,设计光耦线性隔离方案,在负载端新添保护电路和通信接口,可以保证数据的安全性和完整性。最后实验结果表明,系统的功率因数提高至0.96,验证了该研究的可行性。
According to single closed-loop DC electronic load system, this article studies a new type of elec-tronic load system based on double closed-loop linear integrals. The outer ring mainly uses PI regulator to eliminate static deviation and improve the conversion rate. The inner ring uses low power microcomputer control hysteresis comparator by the method of combining the software and hardware. Meanwhile this article studies the self-adaptation control algorithm to control the PWM. This way greatly improves the power factor of system. This article analyzes the interference of the electronic load and designs the scheme of linear opto-couple. In order to ensure security and integrity of the data, the protection circuit and the communication interface are added at the end of the load. Finally the experimental results show that the power factor of system has increased by 0.93 and verify the feasibility of the study.
Design and Implementation of Optical Cable Breakpoint Location System Based on Baidu Map

, 王忠东
Software Engineering and Applications (SEA) , 2020, DOI: 10.12677/SEA.2020.93023
Abstract: 本文提供了光缆断点定位系统的设计与实现方案,重点描述了地图显示、线路绘制与修改以及断点检测功能的实现。系统使用百度地图来显示光缆线路的走向,通过节点端检测到的光缆断点距离信息,结合断点定位算法,自动判断出断点的位置并在地图上显示。本系统的线路绘制功能能够让维护人员直观地得到光缆线路的具体走向及线路上站点位置,缩短了断点寻找时间。
This paper provides the design and implementation of the optical cable breakpoint location system, focusing on the realization of the functions of map display, route drawing and modification, and breakpoint detection. Using Baidu map to display the direction of the optical cable line, through the distance information of the optical cable breakpoint detected by the node, combined with the breakpoint location algorithm, the system can automatically determine the location of the breakpoint and display it on the map. The route drawing function of this system can make the maintenance personnel get the specific direction of the optical cable line and the location of the site intuitively, and shorten the time of finding the breakpoint.

天府新论 , 2011,
Abstract: 民办养老福利机构不仅是提供老年人福利的重要途径,也是缓解老龄化压力的重要方式。但是由于存在各种发展困境,从而限制了民办养老机构福利供给作用的发挥。因此,迫切需要进一步加强总体规划、加大政府扶持力度、整合各方资源、建立行业协会等,实现民办养老福利机构的良性运行。
Performance Analysis of Debt to Equity Swap of Yunnan Tin Cooperation

Advances in Social Sciences (ASS) , 2022, DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2022.1110599
Abstract: 本文选取第二轮市场化债转股中,首例地方性债转股企业云南锡业,从会计角度入手,结合锡行业环境因素、国家经济政策和云南锡业内部经营等因素,以四大能力为分析方法进行绩效分析。分析结果显示,市场化债转股对云南锡业的偿债能力有显著提升,对其他三种能力有积极作用。最后,本文对云南锡业如何持续经营向好提出几点建议,对类似于云南锡业的上市公司具有一定参考价值。
This paper selects Yunnan Tin Industry, the first local debt-to-equity swap enterprise in the second round of market-oriented debt-to-equity swap, from the perspective of accounting, combined with environmental factors of the tin industry, national economic policies and internal operations of the company, and takes the analysis of four major capabilities as the method for performance analysis. The analysis results show that the market-oriented debt-to-equity swap significantly improves the solvency of Yunnan Tin Industry, and has a positive effect on the other three capabilities. Finally, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to continue the operation of Yunnan Tin Industry, which has certain reference value for the development of similar enterprises.
A Practical Study on the Ideological and Political Education of College Students from the Perspective of “Building Morality and Cultivating People”

Advances in Social Sciences (ASS) , 2023, DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2023.122066
Abstract: 本文基于高校大学生思想政治教育工作的生动实践,将“立德树人”思想贯穿于高校大学生思想政治教育工作中。坚持“立德树人”,深刻认识大学生思想政治教育的内涵要义,深度剖析大学生思想政治教育的重要意义,深入探索大学生思想政治教育的方法路径,为做好高校大学生思想政治教育工作提供有益参考。
Based on the vivid practice of the ideological and political education of college students under the new situation, this paper puts the idea of “establishing morality and cultivating people” through the ideological and political education of college students. Adhere to the principle of “establishing morality and cultivating people”, deeply understand the connotation and essence of college students’ ideological and political education, deeply analyze the significance of college students’ ideological and political education, and deeply explore the methods and paths of college students’ ideological and political education, so as to provide useful reference for college students’ ideological and political education under the new situation.
Discussion on Criminal and Legal Issues of Crimes against Wildlife

Open Journal of Legal Science (OJLS) , 2023, DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2023.115513
Abstract: 国家将野生动物纳入法律保护的范围,用国家强制力对其进行保护。在《刑法修正案(十一)》中,最高人民法院和最高人民检察院根据目前的司法实践的状况,对刑法罪名进行了补充和修改,将原来的两个罪名合并成了一个危害珍贵、濒危野生动物罪。省略了之前繁琐的内容,但是同时也全面涵盖了关于野生动物犯罪的不同行为方式。刑法对破坏野生动物的刑法进行处罚是对禁止这类行为保护法益的重要措施,也是有效保护公共健康安全的有效措施,更是保护野生动物资源,保护生态环境,维护物种多样性的必要措施。但是围绕危害野生动物犯罪仍然有许多存在争议的话题,围绕着这一犯罪的司法认定等问题继续展开论证。
The state incorporates wild animals into the scope of legal protection and uses national coercive force to protect them. In the Eleventh Amendment to the Criminal Law, the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate supplemented and modified the criminal law charges based on the current judicial practice, merging the original two charges into one crime of endangering precious and endangered wildlife. Omitted the previous tedious content, but also comprehensively covered the different ways of behavior related to wildlife crime. Punishment of criminal law against wildlife destruction is an important measure to protect legal interests against such acts, and also an effective measure to effectively protect public health and safety. It is also a necessary measure to protect wildlife resources, protect the ecological environment, and maintain species diversity. However, there are still many controversial topics surrounding the crime of endangering wildlife, and the judicial determination of this crime continues to be debated.
地理科学 , 2012,
Abstract: 基于吐鲁番绿洲SPOT遥感影像,利用决策树分类,对荒漠化信息进行提取,分析荒漠化演变、发展及转换特点。结果表明吐鲁番荒漠化土地以风蚀、盐碱为主,且中度风蚀荒漠面积所占的比例最大。由于轻度风蚀荒漠化土地的开垦,荒漠化总面积1986~2004年减少9.77%,但部分轻度风蚀荒漠转化为成为程度更高的中度重度风蚀荒漠,重度风蚀荒漠和盐碱地面积分别扩大2和12倍。研究区荒漠化土地面积出现缩减,但荒漠化程度加深,发展速度加快,对生态环境带来了极大的压力。
Detection of Critical Signals in Local COVID-19 Outbreaks Based on Landscape Network Entropy

洪仁,, 陈培
Advances in Applied Mathematics (AAM) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/AAM.2021.105156
Abstract: 2019年冠状病毒疾病(COVID-19)的迅速传播对世界各地的人们构成了巨大威胁,必须制定有效的策略来检测COVID-19爆发的预警信号以便及时采取适当的控制措施。与时间序列预测不同,疫情爆发通常是非线性的事件,其特征是从缓慢变化到急剧转变,因此难以预测。通过大量采集地理区域网络及其日增确诊病例的实时数据的动态信息,本文采用了一种非线性的无模型方法,即网络熵(LNE)方法,以识别检测出新冠疫情进行灾难性转变之前的前爆发阶段。在对包括中国湖北省、日本关东地区以及巴西部分地区在内的多个地区的新冠疫情爆发临界点的预测上,网络熵方法都取得了非常理想的预测效果。
The rapid spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has posed an enormous threat to people all around the world. It is imperative to develop effective strategies for detecting early-warning signals of COVID-19 outbreaks to implement appropriate control measures in a timely manner. Unlike time-series prediction, outbreaks are generally highly nonlinear events with characteristics that develop from gradual changes to drastic transitions, and are thus difficult to predict. By exploiting dynamic information collectively from geographic district networks and the real-time data of daily new cases, we adopted a nonlinear model-free approach, the landscape network entropy (LNE) method, to identify the pre-outbreak stage prior to the catastrophic transition into a COVID-19outbreak. The LNE method was successfully validated by accurate predictions of the local COVID-19 outbreaks in various regions, including Hubei Province of China, the Kanto region of Japan and parts of Brazil.

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